It was very hot this past Friday night at Merriweather Post Pavilion. However, despite the heat advisories and poor air quality warnings – the crowd gathered to share the night with a band that has been devoted to their fans for 20 years. Third Eye Blind isn’t afraid of the heat. They are, after all, “Summer Gods”.
The band took the stage just shortly after 9:15 PM. The volume in the expansive Merriweather pavilion exploded with the sound of fans cheering for their favorite band. Third Eye Blind began their performance behind a veil of black. They met at the center of the risers for a group hug – publicly showcasing their closeness as as band. Shadows emerged on the black curtain as the band kicked into a brand new song, “Screamer”. Midway through the song, the veil fell to the ground, revealing silhouettes of the band, backed by strobe lights and vertical digital panels. As the song progressed, one by one, each band member made their way to the front of the stage – leaving only Brad Hargreaves on the drums along with Stephan Jenkins on the risers to finish the song.

Then, Jenkins joined the rest of the band at the front of the stage and they kicked into a second new song, “The Kids” followed immediately by “Never Let You Go”. Only three songs in and the show was already in high gear. It stayed that way for the entire performance. After photographing the first three songs, I took my place at the very front of the stage where I enjoyed the show as a fan along with the thousands of other fans who instantly became my friends that evening.

What makes a Third Eye Blind show so special? Well, for me – it’s the energy. This band prides themselves on their delivery and it shows. Friday night’s performance was NON-STOP power pop and rock. I was drenched in sweat from the heat but these guys just played like it was nothing – jumping around the stage, smiling, making eye contact with as many fans as they could – it was amazing. Stephan Jenkins took the guitar to the front of the stage to perform a solo version of “Slow Motion” and laughed, saying: “I’m standing in a puddle created by my own sweat and I’m loving it!” And this was pretty much the theme of the night. No one minded the heat.
Two summers ago, Third Eye Blind featured their Summer Gods Tour in celebration of their debut album’s 20th anniversary. Jenkins explained that this tour was supposed to be in support of their new album. However, there was a delay in it’s release. He ensured us that it would be out next month then thanked us for allowing them to try out a few new songs. And they did perform three well-received new songs.

I think what I loved most about this particular performance was the variety of hits that they played. In addition, they maximized the time by combining several songs into medleys. This kept the momentum going and provided a way for the fans to hear more songs then they would have if the songs had been played in their entirety. There were many expected songs on this set-list but that is okay. That is what the fans wanted, and the band knows this. Before performing the beloved “Motorcycle Drive By”, Stephan Jenkins introduced the song by saying “This song was backed by nothing. It didn’t get played on the radio. The record label didn’t even want it on the album. It has been kept alive by you and that’s what makes it the best song.” In truth – that song gives me chills every time I hear it.

In true form, Jenkins reminded us to take in the moment. At one point during the performance, he encouraged us to look around at all the people who were here this night sharing one love. He had us all greet one another and thank them for being there. It was reminiscent of my younger years in church when we had to greet one another. This was our church and the music was our religion. No amount of heat could keep us away.
After concluding their main set with “How’s it Going to Be”, the band stepped backstage (to dry themselves of sweat, I’m sure). A few moments later, they returned to the stage. Stephan Jenkins had changed clothes (understandably) into jogging pants and a tank top. They performed “Waze” (the third of the new songs they performed), then broke into their typical tour closing song, “Semi-Charmed Life”. The band met at the center of the stage to take their group hug/bow and the crowd cheered loudly “One more song!” You could see the band talking among themselves. Stephan made a pouty-face at us. Then everyone in the band smiled as they walked away from each other and picked up their instruments. Stephan took the mic and said, “Fuck it. We’re going to play one more.”

The final song of the evening was “Losing a Whole Year” and it was the most energetic song of the evening in my opinion. It was Third Eye Blind’s way of saying, “thank you”. As fans, we all knew this! Well, as a fan to one of her favorite bands – “Thank YOU, Third Eye Blind, for keeping me in the moment and sharing your music with the world… don’t ever stop!”
Third Eye Blind has been supported by Jimmy Eat World and Ra Ra Riot for this tour. Both bands delivered great performances!
Enjoy photos of all three bands performing at Merriweather Post Pavilion this past Friday, June 19th. Special Thanks to Frank Thompson for helping to capture some amazing photos!