Some artists defy neat labels. Chuck Ragan is firmly in that camp with his punk growl, country sensibility, and charm that’s welcoming to the point where fans often join the troubadour on-stage to sing along. And in Charm City itself, Ragan hit the Ottobar stage Wednesday night to a packed […]
Tag: americana
Meridian by Miles Gannett
For the longest time, some music has had this ineffable quality to just make me feel a certain way, to almost change my life, if only for a moment. Miles Gannett’s Meridian did this to me. I first listened to it as I walked around a just-blooming saucer magnolia grove, […]
Finding a Way On the Darkest Road: Roll On by Water Liars
Barry Hannah wrote the sort of short stories that took something nearly prosaic and built it into something surreally shattering, brimming with edges of the grotesque, of a distant kind of humor, but always fundamentally human. “Water Liars” was one of those stories, its closing line, “We were both crucified […]