Ryan Bingham brings American Love Song to D.C.

Ryan Bingham rolled into the 9:30 Club on Sunday night, on a bus carrying songs of life, love, blues, and political point. He came along with a tight band and backup singers so good that will make you want to “slap your mamma”!

Ryan strolled onstage with the confidence of man who has lived a life of struggle but is now in a comfortable place of knowing who he is. Ryan’s life comes from country; however, this new album is 100% country blues. He kicking the night off with “Nothing Hold Me Down”, a song that has the dirty feel of a Rolling Stones’ song and the beauty of The Band.

Put your money in my cup, I’ll sing the blues all night.

He proclaimed, as the night went on, “This ain’t your beach ball, back of the truck bullshit, we are here to play you real country.” Ryan was exactly right. He broke in new songs that are based on what he has been through and our current politically situation, such as “Got Damn Blues” and “Situation Station”. We know where he stands and understandable so, coming from poor towns in Texas. I am so happy to hear a man who plays music of truth and how he believes. It’s a breath of fresh air, far from the machine of Nashville.

This was a special night for me to see a man who I listen to regularly while I work with horses. It was an honor to be able to photograph a true poet and artist. Ryan is placed in country, which I love, but to me, he has always been a “blues man”. For that I am thankful. Check Ryan Bingham out and make sure you get out to see him perform the first chance you get!