(Click here to read part one)
When I first began photographing shows, I spent a lot of time in smaller clubs where photo passes were not required. The local artists that I photographed were thankful for the photos and I began to build my portfolio.
There were two breakthroughs that I had after several months of photographing smaller shows. I still did not have a publication to photograph for, and because of that, I was not able to secure photo passes for larger shows. However, Mike Doughty came to the 930 Club and I took photos with my point-and-shoot camera like I always did. He liked the photos so much that he emailed me and asked if he could use them on his blog. In return, he gave me a photo pass to his show at The Fillmore in Philadelphia. This was my first photo pass! (see full set here)

After this, the second breakthrough helped me to land my first publications. It is no secret that I am a devoted Cure fan. When the Cure announced their 2008 U.S. tour, a friend at the time had inside connections to the band. He asked me if I wanted anything: backstage passes or VIP. Then, I responded with just one thing, “I would love more than anything to be able to photograph The Cure”. I knew at the time that there would be no chance of getting a photo pass since I did not have credentials.
The opening night of the tour was at The Patriot Center (now Eagle Bank Arena) and the second night, they were playing at The Wachovia Center in Philadelphia (now Wells Fargo Center). My friend not only arranged for me to have a photo pass for the opening night, but the second night in Philadelphia as well. This was truly the best gift I could ever receive. The photos that I took from the opening night launched my concert photography career into full swing!
The night of the show, I remember being very nervous because this was not a small club. This was an arena show and only my second time getting an official photo pass. Shawn and I had seats in the third row, so I was excited to have a great view even after photographing the first three songs. The Cure opened with Plainsong that night and since it is one of my favorite songs, I found it really hard to concentrate on photographing. I had to tell myself, “Shantel! You are here to take photos. Take photos!” It was an amazing experience and one that I will always remember. Story continues after the gallery.
Click here to see the full set from The Patriot Center.
Click here to see the full set from The Wachovia Center.
Brightest Young Things saw my photos and reached out to ask if they could run them in a review. For the next two years, I photographed shows for BYT and then a few months later, I joined Prefix Magazine. Both blogs offered me local and national shows. BYT is based out of D.C. and Prefix out of New York. Continue onto Part 3 here!