The other day, Grace Potter shared this post below on her social media platforms and it really struck a chord with me. It is now into the 11th week that I have been pretty much alone in my house with just my immediate family. As most of us are experiencing, this is a complete shift in my way of life and has taken some time to adjust. At first, I admit to being happy to have a few days to unwind.
However, those days turned to weeks and my social and outgoing disposition started to miss people and live music. I then entered a period of hopelessness and like “this is the end of the world”, but as March transitioned into April and April transitioned into May, I began to realize, like Grace shared in her post below, there have been some great things to come out of this lifestyle change.
For me, I have been enjoying my meals at home. We actually sit at the dinner table and eat every night. This table was rarely used prior to March. We spend time together in the quiet, and it’s okay to be quiet and just reflect. I’ve had time to focus on my health, which I have so often put on the back burner for running around and socializing. I’ve become okay with this new normal and have embraced the change.
One of my favorite experiences has been getting to spend a different kind of time with musicians – a more personal and vulnerable time – trading in stages and lights for the comforts of their homes and personal spaces. It has been very intimate and almost like sitting in their living room with them as they play or write without all of the bells and whistles of a major production. It almost makes me wonder if this will change how musicians interact and share music with their fans. How will this unexpected pandemic change the shape of the music industry and will this change be entirely negative?

Throughout the month of May, as more upcoming shows are being postponed and canceled, I find myself accepting the current situation and finding joy in these new musical experiences. Grace Potter has been inviting fans into her home every Monday evening for her Twilight Hour performances. These weekly performances have been delightful and each one is unique and special.
Just this past Monday night, Grace performed a new song that she wrote at the beginning of the pandemic. She originally shared this song early on during one of her Facebook live-streams. However, for this past Twilight Hour, Grace delivered an amazing version of this song in which Grace reminds us that we are alone together and truly have each other during this difficult time. You can watch this performance of “Eachother” from May 18th in the video below.
Grace Potter’s Monday Twilight Hour is a perfect example of the silver lining that this pandemic has brought us. So, when you are feeling a bit low and missing the way things “used to be”, take a minute to be thankful for some of these personal moments that we have been able to enjoy BECAUSE of the pandemic. You can subscribe to Grace Potter on her YouTube channel and join us every Monday evening for an hour of music delivered right from her home.
Artwork for the Twilight Hour is available for purchase. See the link on Grace Potter’s Facebook page below.
Buy/Stream “Eachother” featuring Jackson Browne, Marcus King, and Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig of Lucius here: